Wearable Development & Manufacturing


Wearable Development & Manufacturing


Product Offerings

– Market Research
– Competitors mapping
– Identifying and correcting flaws in the existing smart wearable industry
– Mapping Consumer journeys into product concepts
– Functional definition of the product
– Focusing on end user experience
– Branding requirements finalization

Electronic Design Hardware & Firmware

– Providing clear designs of product and casing
– Type of Material & Dimension
– Dimensions of individual components
– Finalization of Bill of material
– Electronics design and PCBA Stack
– Finalizing Processors, sensor hub and accuracy.

Smart Phone Application End User Experience

– Smart phone applications for the smart wearables
– Focused on Ease of Use, User Experience and User Interface
– Fully customizable Application Theme and flow
– Intelligent Device Management with Patented solutions.

Cloud & Application Eco System

– Active Cloud, Design engineering and architecture
– Comprehensive Cloud Application framework
– Deployment support: Cloud Front, Load Balancing, Scalable Performance
– Testing and automation tools, HTML, Java and allied tools
– Detailed Analytics with in-house tools.

Final Product

– Final assembly of the product
– Product and application testing
– Quality Evaluation
– Certification

After Sales Support

– Support includes technical program management
– L1/L2 Support
– Local support available during office hours at Axtro on all working days
– After sales service tool if requested.

Social Engagement

– Unique social engagements to increase the product usage
– Deep learning tools, Dynamic cohort groups with focus on hyper relevance Analytical tools for hyper customer targeting
– Secure geo tagging to make social engagements more relevant.

Keep fit with the nation in the National Steps Challenge Season 4! Launched in 2015 by the Health Promotion Board (HPB), the National Steps Challenge aims to get all Singaporeans walking their way to health and closer to great prizes. Accomplish your goal with the help of your AXTRO Fit HPB steps tracker.

The AXTRO Fit is an all-day fitness tracker with continuous, wrist-based heart rate tracking and simplified heart rate zones.